How does Massage Therapy Reduce Pain?

How does Massage Therapy Reduce Pain? 

Massage Therapy is proven to reduce pain, and while we are always hearing our Massage Therapists and other health experts name this fact, we seldom hear the "how" . I hope this blog entry is helpful for increasing our understanding of this! 

- When we are stressed, our body produces a hormone in the body called Coritsol! When our cortisol levels are too high, our muscles can become weak and tense! This would inrease inflammation and muscle tightness. Massage helps our body exit "fight or flight" mode and reduces cortisol levels, which will help muscles relax and lessen inflammation as well as function properly!

-Stress among other life factors can cause muscles to become tight and tense, which in turn increases pain and inflammation in the muscles, we often refer to this tension as "knots". Massage helps loosen these knots and alleviate the pain they can cause! When our muscles are less tight, pain in the body can be significantly reduced!

- Massage releases endorphins in the body, which will allow relaxation, uplift mood, and block pain! Endorphins send signals to your body that override pain signals, increasing feelings of improved well-being and calm rather than pain and tension.

- Increased Circulation, means faster healing! Massage promotes healthier blood flow, allowing oxygen to make its way through the body more efficiently. This will allow muscles to stay relaxed, injuries to heal, and reduce pain in the body!

Thanks for reading!

-Julia Paholak, Eclipse Massage & Wellness

Licensed Massage Therapist

Usui Reiki Master

TMJ Massage Specialist


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